Ecstatic Dance
Who wants to experience this? Who would benefit most? Who would I be excited to work with?
Men and Women who are looking to be in more conscious awareness, awareness and bring more connection into their lives. These are people who...
- Have some sort of spiritual practice
- They seek a more joyous life and want more gratitude, love and ecstatic living in their lives.
- Seek community with open hearted people.
- Are into self development and bringing more heart awareness to their life and other's lives.
- Love freeform dancing to conscious music in a sober environment that facilitates personal growth.
- Want to express their emotional state in a safe and loving space.
- Want to explore their boundaries and expand their comfort zone.
- Want to experience and access their inner freedom, self-worth, ecstasy, power, connection and fulfilment.
- Meditate or are looking to bring more presence into their life.
Who wants to experience this? Who would benefit most? Who would I be excited to work with?
People (mostly younger men) who are unhappy with their current situation but believe they can change it with some help and guidance.
Specifically; people who currently may...
Specifically; people who currently may...
- ...Feel worthless, unimportant & unloved - They want to feel confident and validated (from within).
- They are unsure of themselves, don't know who they really are, doubt themselves and don't believe in themselves - They want to be & feel certain of who they are and know they are capable of acheiving whatever they put their heart too.
- They may not feel they fit into the world - They dream of being part of a community that is uplifting and a force for good on the planet. - They will learn how to create the community of their dreams, where ever they are.
- They are bored, uninspired and unfulfilled - They want to feel the thrill of life, they maybe ambitious and want to be a force for good on the planet.
- They know there is more to life than running on the treadmill of work they don't feel inspired to do, followed by distracting oneself with TV, Video Games or Social Media - They want to find inspiration or do what already inspires them and to do it in a way that can support them while spreading love and kindness to others.
- They don't want to be around other people who put people down and show unkindness to others - They long for social interaction with people who lift them up and inspire them while being fully empowered and maintain a sense of happiness and well being regardless the circumstances around them.
- They have been stuck in an unproductive or unfulfilling pattern for a long time - They want to start bringing in little changes that drastically change their life and are ready and open to trying new things, they just need guidance and support until they are able to go about their own life unaided.
People (mostly younger men) who are unhappy with their situation but believe they can change it with some help and guidance.
Specifically; people who's...
...current experience is they
What they want to experience
What they will learn
Specifically; people who's...
...current experience is they
- Feel worthless, unimportant & unloved.
- They are unsure of themselves, don't know who they really are, doubt themselves and don't believe in themselves.
- They may not feel they fit into the world.
- They are bored, uninspired and unfulfilled.
- They know there is more to life than running on the treadmill of work they don't feel inspired to do, followed by distracting oneself with TV, Video Games or Social Media.
- They don't want to be around other people who put people down and show unkindness to others.
- They have been stuck in an unproductive or unfulfilling pattern for a long time.
What they want to experience
- They want to feel confident and validated (from within).
- They want to be & feel certain of who they are and know they are capable of acheiving whatever they put their heart too.
- They dream of being part of a community that is uplifting and a force for good on the planet.
- They want to feel the thrill of life, they maybe ambitious and want to be a force for good on the planet.
- They want to find inspiration or do what already inspires them and to do it in a way that can support them while spreading love and kindness to others.
- They long for social interaction with people who lift them up and inspire them while being fully empowered and maintain a sense of happiness and well being regardless the circumstances around them.
- They want to start bringing in little changes that drastically change their life and are ready and open to trying new things, they just need guidance and support until they are able to go about their own life unaided.
What they will learn
- How to empower themselves and tap into their own source of validation.
- How to discover their core desires to know themselves and effortlessly create their dream life.
- They will learn how to create the community of their dreams, where ever they are.
- How to tap into the infinite source happiness in every moment to drive them on to success.
- What fulfils them and how to make a living doing what they love.
- How to build /find a community of like minded people and how to maintain their own energy regardless of what goes on around them.
- New ideas, routines and practices that power up their life in a way that is supportive yet will ultimately empower them create a dream life without the need for a coach.
How will I deliver this?
I will show you how to live in ecstasy now through quick and simple daily practices.
I will show you how to free your self so you can start creating a life that is rewarding and fulfilling.
I will show you how to get out of social anxiety and how to feel and be confident.
*Can ask your first question privately (before the call), then one question in chat, then on audio, then on video (if they have anxiety about asking questions in front of others).
Entry to the course is free, the only requirement it commitment. I am supported purely by donations. If you love what I do, you get real value from it and want me to continue with this work while supporting others, please consider making a donation that you feel comfortable with - a portion of everything I earn goes toward improving my offerings and towards supporting important projects that are having a positive impact in the world.
Every 3 months. Have to jump through hoops and be committed, create engagement before the course begins.
It is important to create a supportive community, if you are not putting in the work your space may be opened up for someone else to join.
I will show you how to free your self so you can start creating a life that is rewarding and fulfilling.
I will show you how to get out of social anxiety and how to feel and be confident.
- Video explanations & discussion (you choose if you want to be involved or just be*) of why we experience things and how we get out of it (Delivered on Friday evenings).
- 15 minute practice / ritual to set you up for a perfect day (and life) that builds on the previous practices (We'll do them together every Monday morning - recorded to do when it's morning for you).
- Journaling - How to do it for maximum success and why it's so important (to see where you've come from and to act as reminders and messages to yourself).
- A 5 Element Movement Practice to get your body moving and tap into the energy that influences our unconscious behaviour.
- Workbook - There are some questions you're going to have to ask yourself and spend a few minutes reflecting on the answers that come up for you
*Can ask your first question privately (before the call), then one question in chat, then on audio, then on video (if they have anxiety about asking questions in front of others).
Entry to the course is free, the only requirement it commitment. I am supported purely by donations. If you love what I do, you get real value from it and want me to continue with this work while supporting others, please consider making a donation that you feel comfortable with - a portion of everything I earn goes toward improving my offerings and towards supporting important projects that are having a positive impact in the world.
Every 3 months. Have to jump through hoops and be committed, create engagement before the course begins.
It is important to create a supportive community, if you are not putting in the work your space may be opened up for someone else to join.
Eligibility Questionnaire.
Q: What situation/s do you feel socially anxious in?
Q: What's the first thing you currently do when you wake up? Write out everything you typically do in the first 30 minutes after waking up.
Q: Imagine 'X' scenario/perfect day. How would you feel?
Q: How committed would you be to make that happen?
Q: Are you ready to apply that commitment to this course?
Q: What's the first thing you currently do when you wake up? Write out everything you typically do in the first 30 minutes after waking up.
Q: Imagine 'X' scenario/perfect day. How would you feel?
Q: How committed would you be to make that happen?
Q: Are you ready to apply that commitment to this course?